Wise Giving Wednesday: New Ways of Thinking About Impact

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calendar icon Oct 07, 2020

On October 1st, BBB Wise Giving Alliance held a webinar titled “New Ways of Thinking About Impact” which featured several speakers discussing contemporary interpretations on how best to capture charity impact. We were proud to feature three experienced and respected voices on this issue: Debra Natenshon, founder of DBN & Associates; Megan Campbell, Directors of Programs and Strategy at Feedback Labs and Dan Cardinali, President & CEO of Independent Sector. I introduced the panel by noting that “impact” has become a more important concept in the charitable sector, but also has been the subject of various descriptions and definitions ranging from charity outputs and outcomes to charity spending.

Debra Natenshon began the discussion by referencing Mario Marino’s 2011 book “Leap of Reason” which explains, among other things, the importance of outcomes in a time of scarcity. This help lead to the concept of the Performance Imperative (2015 and revised 2018). High performance is described as “the ability to deliver – over a prolonged period of time – meaningful, measurable and sustainable results for the people or causes the organization is in existence to serve.” More information on the subject of long term impact and performance can be found at leapambassardors.org and at DBN & Associates.

Megan Campbell from Feedback Labs described how perceptual feedback from a charity’s ultimate constituents or beneficiaries can help define and achieve impact. She explained that the link between feedback and impact has been well studied in the medical field. This has been repeated in the social sector as well to help a charity track progress and/or if it needs to adjust course to address its mission. Ms. Campbell gave some specific examples including the Irvine Foundation as well as the Center for Employment Opportunities. She noted a number of resources that Feedback Labs has compiled to help join the feedback movement.

Dan Cadinali from Independent Sector provided additional context of a case study. He previously worked at Communities In Schools a youth-centered organization that seeks to help children succeed and lower dropout rates. Among other things, they developed a data management system that addressed feedback to help drive outcomes for students over a period of time. They did this internally and only went to a series of third-party evaluations at the end. Mr. Cardinali noted it matters what every single nonprofit does every day when it comes to being open and committed to driving measurable results.

For additional details, see the full webinar

Video of the Week

As part of the Building Trust Video series, we are pleased to provide a video that features Nancy Brown, Chief Executive Officer of the American Heart Association (a BBB Accredited Charity) which seeks to improve cardiovascular health of all Americans while reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. The organization also reports that it works as a catalyst connecting across sectors, communities, and countries to drive toward an equitable and healthy world. AHA works to accelerate heart and brain science through grants. AHA also translates science and advocates to see it applied in the healthcare system, in public policies, and in communities. The organization provides science-based treatment guidelines to healthcare professionals to help them provide quality care to their patients, and educates lawmakers, policymakers and the public to advocate for changes to protect and improve the health of our schools, worksites, and communities. 

Recent Reports

We are always working with charities to publish or update reports for donors. Visit Give.org or local BBBs to check out any charity before giving. Our recently evaluated charities include:

Finally, remember to let us know by going to give.org/charity-inquiry if you are interested in seeing a report on a charity not on the list and we will do our best to produce one.

H. Art Taylor, President & CEO
BBB Wise Giving Alliance