Wise Giving Wednesday: Donating for Relief Assistance in Beirut, Lebanon

Hero image for Wise Giving Wednesday:  Donating for Relief Assistance in Beirut, Lebanon
calendar icon Aug 11, 2020

Last week, the massive explosion that rocked Beirut, Lebanon resulted in more than 150 deaths, thousands injured and 300,000 homeless. Then on Monday, Lebanon’s ruling government announced it was stepping down. All of this along with the economic hardships that country was experiencing has created a crisis situation for that nation. Many international relief organizations are offering assistance to help address immediate needs. To assist, BBB Wise Giving Alliance has compiled a list of BBB Accredited Charities (i.e., organizations that meet the 20 BBB Standards for Charity Accountability) that have announced on their respective website homepages that they are collecting funds for Beirut relief.

  1. Look to Experienced Relief Organizations. BBB Wise Giving Alliance recommends contributing to experienced relief organizations that already have a presence or distribution connections within Lebanon. Newly established entities may be well-intentioned but may not have the skills and infrastructure to provide immediate help. Review the descriptions appearing on the charity’s website to gain a better understanding of the nature of the relief activities your funds will support and how the organization plans to carry out this work.
  2. Consider Cautions on Crowdfunding Sites. In regards to postings appearing on crowdfunding sites, BBB WGA cautions potential contributors to carefully consider the site’s terms and procedures to find out whether there has been any vetting of posted requests, if the posts clearly describe the intended use for funds, and what processing fees may be subtracted by the site when donations are made. Look past the attention getting photos on crowdfunding postings about Lebanon and identify whether the contributions being requested are just being passed along to a designated organization. If so, consider cutting out the middle man and make a direct donation to the designated organization on that organization’s website.
  3. Recognize Different Needs. Consider what types of programs you want to support and seek out charities that match your interests. For example, there are charities focused on medical relief efforts, others might provide food and temporary shelter, and some may focus on long term goals such as clean up and reconstruction. Don’t assume what the organization does based solely on its name.
  4. Your gift may not be deductible. If you are U.S. donor contributing to charity, keep in mind that you can generally only take a charitable deduction if the organization has an office in the U.S. that has applied for and received charitable tax exempt status. If the group is located in another country, your contribution may not be deductible as all.  Also if a crowdfunding posting is claiming to be helping a specific named individual or family, donors in the U.S. generally cannot claim a federal income tax deduction as a charitable gift, even if the individual or family is in need. See IRS Publication 526, page 6, for more information on this subject. 
  5. Watch out for Vague Program Descriptions.  Vague descriptions of how the collected funds will be used should also be a yellow caution light. For example, will the funds be used to assist medical expenses, reconstruction, funerals or other activities? Thoughtful requests for funding will take the added step of identifying and verifying needs before money is raised.

The following organizations are BBB Accredited Charities (i.e., meet the 20 BBB Standards for Charity Accountability) and currently have a website homepage that announces they are collecting funds to assist those in need in Beirut.

Catholic Relief Services
Embrace Relief Foundation
Food for the Hungry
Helping Hand for Relief and Development
International Medical Corps
International Rescue Committee
Islamic Relief USA
Lutheran World Relief
Medical Teams International
Mennonite Central Committee
Mercy Corps
Oxfam America
Plan International
Project HOPE
Save the Children
United Palestinian Appeal
United States Association for UNHCR
World Food Program USA
World Vision
World Renew

Video of the Week

As part of our Building Trust Video Series, we are pleased to provide a video featuring Christy Delafield, Managing Director, Communications, Mercy Corps, (a BBB Accredited Charity) which provides assistance to individuals and families in over 40 countries. When humanitarian disasters strike, the organization provides emergency relief, including food, water, shelter and other critical supplies. MC also helps communities move beyond the crisis and build better lives by helping them grow more food, earn higher incomes and advocate for their own needs. The organization makes small loans to help people start their own businesses; helps farmers grow better crops; and ensures that children have food, medical care and the opportunity to go to school. 


Finally, remember to let us know by going to give.org/charity-inquiry if you are interested in seeing a report on a charity not on the list and we will do our best to produce one.

H. Art Taylor, President & CEO
BBB Wise Giving Alliance