Wise Giving Wednesday: Tips on Supporting Ukraine Relief, One Year Later

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calendar icon Mar 08, 2023


Tips on Supporting Ukraine Relief, One Year Later

A year ago, BBB Wise Giving Alliance wrote in Wise Giving Wednesday about donating to Ukraine relief charities and completed seven subsequent entries. These blogs addressed the surge of Ukrainians to neighboring countries, transportation and distribution obstacles, and the many charitable organizations that were soliciting to help refugees as well as those remaining in Ukraine. There was a generous outpouring of American donors who contributed billions of dollars. Twelve months later, the war continues, and although contributions have diminished, charities carry on their assistance work and welcome support.

Finding Trustworthy Charities Addressing Ukraine Relief

With this in mind, here are some tips to consider in providing additional funding to help Ukraine.

Competing tragedies 

In the past year, the world has seen more than its share of disasters and tragedies such as earthquakes, severe weather and mass shootings. So, it is not surprising that an area with long-term devastation, such as the war in Ukraine, has a hard time sustaining continuing charitable assistance. Even if you have previously contributed, consider revisiting your support to help those in need.

Evolving activities

Check the relief charity’s website to see what activities they are currently carrying out in Ukraine. For example, Save the Children (a BBB Accredited Charity) includes the story of an aid worker in Ukraine that explains how the charity has assisted children in the past year in a variety of ways

Remember refugees

Consider the millions of people that fled Ukraine to other countries. There are organizations that continue to provide help to these refugee populations by addressing emergency shelter, food and medicine. For example, USA for UNHCR – The UN Refugee Agency (a BBB Accredited Charity).

Individuals at high risk

As reported in The Chronicle of Philanthropy there are certain individuals in Ukraine or refugees at high risk such as those with critical health issues or disabilities, displaced children, and older people. Also, efforts are needed to prevent gender-based violence and human trafficking.

Experienced, established charities

Donating to experienced, established relief charities based in the United States is best since you can more easily vet them. Find those that are BBB Accredited (i.e., meet all the BBB Charity Standards). Review the list of organizations on our previous blog and don’t forget to visit their respective websites to identify the nature of their current Ukraine assistance efforts.

Video of the Week

As part of the Building Trust Video Series, BBB Wise Giving Alliance interviews John and Merline Engle, Co-Directors of Haiti Partners (a BBB Accredited Charity) that offers education for over 1500 students in six partner schools and its flagship school, the Children’s Academy and Learning Center. The organization supports schools that help children realize their potential while driving community development and lifelong learning. Haiti Partners also provides families with home gardening kits to grow their own food.

Heart of Giving Podcast

This week’s Heart of Giving Podcast interviews Luke Mickelson, the Founder and Executive Director of Sleep in Heavenly Peace, a volunteer-driven nonprofit dedicated to building and delivering handmade, fully furnished bunk beds to needy children.

Recent Reports

We are always working with charities to publish or update reports for donors. Visit Give.org or local BBBs to check out any charity before giving. Our recently evaluated charities include: Finally, remember to let us know by going to give.org/charity-inquiry if you are interested in seeing a report on a charity not on the list and we will do our best to produce one.

TAGS: Donations , Charity