Nepal Giving Update: GlobalGiving Foundation

I know, its not #wisegivingwed, but in light of the situation in Nepal I thought I would share information I received from GlobalGiving Foundation, a BBB Accredited Charity, regarding the assistance it is providing. GlobalGiving is a portal that accepts donations on behalf of charities working on the ground. It has received more than $3 million from donors to support relief projects in the region and its founder and CEO shared the following statement with us: “…on the work being done in Nepal. Here are a bunch of examples (and more coming all the time):
- First, here is a map of where about 50% of the money GlobalGiving has sent out so far has gone in Nepal--as you can see we are far afield from Kathmandu where a lot of the efforts are concentrated:
- The first report on where the money has gone from our general fund is also available:
- Here is a description of GlobalGiving's general approach to disasters:
- Finally, we are also making a big push to match people who make recurring donations to a disaster stricken area to ensure that there are funds not only for the relief, but for the recovery, reconstruction, and development of the area.
As we get additional updates from Accredited Charities working directly in Nepal, we will continue to share them with you.